Rights Enforcement and Licensing Understanding for RDF Stores Aggregating Open and Private Data Sets

Submitted by admin on Tue, 09/13/2016 - 13:11
Several applications are going to aggregate data on triple stores coming from different data sets and presenting different licenses. Semantic queries should provide only allowed triples, while most of the RDF stores have strong limitations in providing support for access control, licensing, rights enforcement and supporting the developers in providing tutoring information about what is possible and what is not. In this paper, a specific solution is proposed for supporting developers in understanding the licensing level of the requested triples, and the RDF stores in enforcing rights. The proposed solutions can be integrated into a range of different RDF stores for removing their limitations and assisting developers. The proposed solution has been developed and tested in the case of large smart city solution called Km4City and adopted in a number of projects: Sii-Mobility SCN, RESOLUTE H2020 and REPLICATE H2020
Axmedis ID
Rights Enforcement and Licensing Understanding for RDF Stores Aggregating Open and Private Data Sets
Document type