


The Book Series/Journal of Sentient Multimedia Systems (JSMS) is intended to be a forum for researchers, practitioners and developers to exchange ideas and research results, for the advancement of sentient multimedia systems, which are distributed systems capable of actively interacting with the environment by gathering, processing, interpreting, storing and retrieving multimedia information originated from sensors, robots, actuators, websites and other information sources.

JSMS publishes research papers, state-of-the-art surveys, review articles, in the areas of sentient multimedia systems, distributed multimedia systems, sensor networks, multimedia interfaces, visual communication, multi-media communications, cognitive aspects of sensor-based systems, and parallel/distributed/neural computing & representations for multmedia information processing. Papers are also welcome to report on actual use, experience, transferred technologies in sentient multimedia systems and applications. Book reviews and tool reviews, not to exceed four pages, can also be submitted to the book reviews editor and tools reviews editor, respectively.

Click here for a recent international conference on sentient multimedia systems.


Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts shall be submitted electronically to the book series/journal's website (to be named). Original papers only will be considered. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been and will not be nor is presently submitted elsewhere, and that its submission for publication has been approved by all of the authors and by the institution where the work was carried out; further, that any person cited as a course of personal communications has approved such citation. Written authorization may be required at the Editor's discretion. Articles and any other material published in JSMS represent the opinions of the author(s) and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the Editor(s) and the Publisher.


Form of Manuscript

Manuscripts should be submitted in the form of a pdf file. Its printed version should be double-spaced on one side of 8.5 X 11 in white paper with 1 inch margins. Page 1 should contain the article title, author(s), and affiliation(s); and the name and complete mailing address of the person to whom correspondence should be sent. Any footnotes to the title (indicated by *, +, etc.) should be placed at the bottom of page 1. Page 2 should contain a short abstract (100-150 words).


List of Symbols

The manuscript should contain a list of all symbols used in the paper. They should be identified typographically for the printer, not mathematically. This list will not appear in print, but is essential to avoid costly corrections in proof.



Text footnotes should be avoided whenever possible. If they must be used, indicate them by superscript numbers in the text, and type them all double-spaced on a separate page.



Equations should be typewritten and with the number placed in parentheses at the right margin. Reference to the equations should use the form "Eq. (3)" or simply (3).



References should be indicated in the text by numbers in square brackets and listed at the end of the paper in numerical order; they should be typed double-spaced on a separate page. Style and punctuation of references must be in accordance with the following examples:

1. T. Y. Kong and A. W. Roscoe, Continuous analogs of axiomated digital surfaces. Comput. Vision Graphics Image Process 29, 1985, 60-86.

2. R. M. Haralick, edge and region analysis for digital image data in Image Modeling (A. Rosenfeld, Ed), pp. 171-184, Academic Press, New York, 1981.

3. R. A. Schowengerdt, Techniques for Image Processing and Classification in Remote Sensing, Academic Press, New York, 1983.

Reports should not be cited unless absolutely necessary. Tables should be umbered with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text. They should be typed double-spaced on separate pages. Each table should have a short descriptive caption. Table footnotes (indicated by superscript lower-case letters) should be typed at the end of the table. Figures should be numbered in order of appearance (with Arabic numerals) and should have short descriptive captions. Line drawings must be drawn using a WORD processor. Photographs must be in high resolution. No figures should exceed 8.5 x 11 inch in size; they should be designed to fit the proportions of the printed page.


Review Form

The electronic review form can be used by reviewers to review papers submitted to JSMS.



Authors submitting a manuscript do so with the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, copyright in the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media shall be assigned exclusively to the publisher. The Publisher will not refuse any reasonable request by the author for permission to reproduce any of his or her contributions to the book series/journal.

the publisher now requires that all manuscripts submitted to its book series/journals be accompanied by a signed copyright transfer agreement (html file). The copyright transfer does not take effect until the manuscript is accepted.

Under the terms of the U.S. copyright law effective January 1, 1978, and the copyright laws of many other countries, book series/journal publishers are required to obtain written confirmation from authors in order to acquire copyright rights for papers published in their book series/journals. We are therefore asking you to sign and return the applicable section of the accompanying form. If you and your co-authors, if any, own rights in your paper as individuals, please sign Section A of the attached form. If you work for a corporation that owns the rights in the paper, please have an authorized officer of the corporation sign Section B. If the paper is in the public domain because you created it within the scope of your employment with the U.S. government or another government that does not claim any copyright or if the paper is subject to Crown copyright because you arc an employee of the British or Canadian government, please sign Section C. No manuscript will be processed until the appropriate form has been returned.

We ask your cooperation because it is of vital importance for the widest possible dissemination of your paper and the continued viability of our book series/journal. We must have your written confirmation in order to authorize libraries and other information centers to use this material and to perform other appropriate publishing functions.

If your manuscript is not published within a reasonable period of time after acceptance, upon written request, the publisher will promptly return the rights to the manuscript to the author(s).

IMPORTANT: Note that the publisher may choose to publish an abstract or portions of the paper prior to publishing the paper in the book series/journal. Please contact the publisher immediately if you would like the publisher to refrain from such prior publication for any reason, including disclosure of a patentable invention.


Check List for an Accepted Paper

Once a paper is accepted, the following items should be provided by the author(s):
  • Original manuscript in WORD format and pdf format

  • High quality original figures in jpg format

  • Expected Turnaround Time

    The expected turnaround time is about eight to nine months, i.e., it takes about eight to nine months from the date of submission of paper to the date of acceptance decision.



    Publication Cost

    To defray the expenses related to the publication of the manuscript in the Book Series/Journal, the Publisher charges a one-time-only fee of $300 US Dollars regardless of the length of the article.


    Open Subscription to the Book Series/Journal

    There is no cost for subscription to the Book Series/Journal. To enhance the interactive exchange of knowledge, a portal will be extablished for people to log in and acess the book series/journal, as well as to use the online forum to exchange information with authors, readers and other researchers.


    Send Electronic Manuscripts and Correspondence to:

    Editor-in-Chief: chang@cs.pitt.edu
    Co-Editor-in-Chief: paolo.nesi@unifi.it

    Authors interested in online submission are requested to go to the book series/journal's website (to be named) and upload their manuscript and its associated artwork. An electronic (PDF) proof is generated and the reviewing process is carried out using that PDF. The PDF file may be edited after acceptance to follow book series/journal standards. Authors and editors send and receive all correspondence by email via the website (to be named) and no paper correspondence is performed. Authors can also submit their ps or pdf file to the editorial office by e-mail.



    Prof. Shi-Kuo Chang, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, U.S.A. (Tel 412-624-8423, Fax 412-624-8423, E-mail chang@cs.pitt.edu)



    Prof. Paolo Nesi, University of Florence, Florence, Italy (E-mail paolo.nesi@unifi.it)


    Call for Members of the Board of Reviewers

    We are looking for people to serve on the Board of Reviewers who will be acknowledged in the book series/journal annually. Each reviewer receives at most three papers per year to review. If you are interested in serving as a reviewer, please send a list of keywords describing your area of interest and the URL of your Web site via e-mail to Professor Chang (chang@cs.pitt.edu).
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