

  • TILCO-X theory
    Formal techniques for the specication of realtime systems must be capable of describing temporal constraints among events and actions properties of invariance precedence periodicity repeated ...
    191 Accessi Voto
    Agenda Prof. Alberto Tesi, Magnifico Rettore Prof. Umberto Gori, Professore Emerito, presidente CSSII Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Strategici Internazionali e Imprenditoriali ...
    287 Accessi Voto
  • IPR Tools for Content Aggregators, paper
    In this poster we describe the system adopted in the European Collected Li-brary of Artistic Performance, ECLAP, to manage, publish and distribute digital content taking into account the problems ...
    452 Accessi Voto
  • IPR Tools for Content Aggregators, poster
    In this poster we describe the system adopted in the European Collected Li-brary of Artistic Performance, ECLAP, to manage, publish and distribute digital content taking into account the problems ...
    304 Accessi Voto
  • Nuove tecnologie in val di cecina
    Crescita ed innovazione Mercoledì 10 Dicembre 2014 ore 16:00 Centro Studi Santa Maria Maddalena Via Persio Flacco n°2, Volterra (PI
    63 Accessi Voto
  • Km4City: Smart City Tools, 2015, two page flyer
    Km4City: Smart City Tools, 2015, two page flyer
    115 Accessi Voto
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