Warning: Table '.\drupal\sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT u.*, s.* FROM users u INNER JOIN sessions s ON u.uid = s.uid WHERE s.sid = 'e917fa5c804dd45afb5122b7f649f16e' in C:\Programmi\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\drupal\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 128
Km4City Data Ingestion Guidelines and ETL Examples | DISIT Lab of University of Florence

Km4City Data Ingestion Guidelines and ETL Examples

Data Ingestion Guidelines

ETL Examples:

  • You find as attachments a set of ETL samples related to the following contexts:
    • Point of Interest, POI (Farmacie, Aeroporti, etc.)
    • Events (Eventi)
    • Public transport lines containing infdormation related to timetables, stops, paths, etc. and  based on the GTFs Standard (TPL)
    • ...
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Warning: Table '.\drupal\sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE sessions SET uid = 0, cache = 0, hostname = '', session = 'hidePDA|s:1:\"0\";', timestamp = 1718645858 WHERE sid = 'e917fa5c804dd45afb5122b7f649f16e' in C:\Programmi\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\drupal\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 128