
MOBILE Applications of DISIT

Cover art Km4City on many open data are accessible on all municipalities of Tuscany (Italy), and many details on Florence, http://servicemap.disit.org . The data available are listed in http://www.disit.org/6726 and at July 2015 there were approximately 9500 facilities in Florence, Pisa 1000, 800 of Prato, Pistoia 460, 420 of Arezzo, 180 in Empoli, etc. The service is presently concentrated in Tuscany (Italy), with particular regard to the province of Florence, and come from the MIIC Tuscany Region Govern, from LAMMA agency, from the observatory Transportation and traffic manager, by the city, etc. The data available are related to transport and mobility, cultural heritage, hospitals, weather, services, banks, digital locations, energy, and much more, etc. The service can be easily expanded on other locations and areas.

Km4City is scalable and efficient to deliver innovative services rapidly or equal to zero time by (i) providing integrated aggregated data and (ii) allowing the integration of private data or specific data with open; API services with simple and effective to develop mobile applications and web using consistently data, by providing a channel of updated aggregated data. Km4City solution includes development and production tools and is based on the model Km4City (http://www.disit.org/km4city ) and a series of tools that have been developed and are currently in use in the aggregator of Florence developed by DISIT Lab, accessible via http://servicemap.disit.org (and also accessible with API). The Km4City solution is behind the actions Sii-Mobility Smart City National, and RESOLUTE H2020 of the European Commission.

Km4City mobile App you are using detects and measure WiFi and BT signals you meet in the city and communicates them to a central server in a completely anonymous manner without taking your identification or phone id. This activity is needed to map the sources on city. Using this application you are implicitly confirming your consent to this tracking, in any case you can disable this feature from the “settings”. We would like to thank you for allowing us to acquire data of the city that will be used to improve Km4City services in the city and for research purpose.

DISIT not guarantee that the active services today called http://servicemap.disit.org , and km4city, can remain in the same form and / or active forever. For information contact info@disit.org .
The icons you see on the map to indicate the services have been taken from the site Maps Icons Collection

This application has been developed by using Km4City services and APIs (http://www.disit.org/km4city ) from DISIT Lab of the University of Florence (http://www.disit.dinfo.unifi.it ). It aims to provide updated information from the city. On Km4City, companies and institutions can integrate open, private, sensitive and / or critical information in a contextualized manner with those accessible in the city, with the aim of creating new services for citizens and qualified personnel. And it is possible to develop App and Web pages that use Km4City services in a simple and fast manner. The primary tools on the web are accessible from http://servicemap.disit.org .

A WEB app version is directly accessible on http://www.km4city.org

Content Organizer: The Content Organizer is a tool that allows you to access, download and organize content from the portal into your mobile device. Once the content is downloaded into your mobile, you can manage it as your personal collection of content in the mobile device, search content, browse, get information, etc. The mobile devices supported are iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android and Windows Phone 7. Some differences are available on the different platforms. In the most powerful version, the Content Organizer may organize and play ePub, video, audio, cross media content, images, documents, pdf, etc. They may start download/play from QR code (see the technical metadata of each content), may access to content via GPS locations, my permit upload of content from your mobile, etc.
Mobile Medicine
Mobile Emergency:
Cover art FODD 2015: Questa applicazione ha carattere meramente dimostrativo, ed è stata sviluppata per l’evento FODD 2015 (http://www.disit.org/fodd ) dal DISIT Lab (http://www.disit.dinfo.unifi.it) con l’obiettivo di dimostrare che cosa può essere fatto utilizzando le tecnologie del DISIT Lab (http://servicemap.disit.org , e km4city) per fornire servizi alle imprese per lo sviluppo veloce di applicazioni ed ai cittadini. La stessa applicazione è oggetto di un tutorial che si è svolto nel pomeriggio dell’evento FODD2015 dove è stato presentato il codice sorgente e il procedimento per svilupparla in modo rapido. L’applicazione con i suoi sorgenti sono concessi per FODD in licenza Open Source GPL. I dati utilizzati e su cui si basa l’applicazione sono stati forniti dal Comune di Firenze come Open Data e da servizi della Regione Toscana. La descrizione di questi dati è accessibile su DISIT.org, ed in particolare i dati fanno riferimento al modello aperto KM4City ed al processo di ingestione, aggregazione, quality improvement e riconciliazione sul cluster di DISIT.org descritto durante l’evento stesso. Si ringrazia i ricercatori DISIT e tutto il personale di Comune e Regione per il supporto fornito che ha reso possibile la realizzazione di questo dimostrativo.
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