Mobility 4.0 for Smart Cities. The MOSAiC project
MOSAiC is a project co-funded byPOR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
The aim of MOSAiC is to develop new Mobility 4.0 solutions for mobility operators (concessionaires, public transport companies, etc.). These services are related to the dynamic and real time management of vehicular traffic flow, and they will adopt the more innovative concepts in terms of transport: Mobility as a Service (MaaS), Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM), Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS), Smart Road, Connected and Autonomous Cars. Furthermore, MOSAiC will adopt the Industry 4.0 model (data collection and analysis, digital model creation, decision assistance, implementation) for the urban mobility management. The expected outcome can be summarized as follows:
DISIT Lab is developing MOSAiC in collaboration with Alstom Ferroviaria SpA, CNIT, Tages società cooperativa, Municipia, and Devitalia SRL.