real time systems specification, formal methods, tilco, uml
The specification of reactive and real-time systems must be supported by formal mathematically founded methods to be satisfactory and ...
Formal techniques for the specication of realtime systems must be capable of describing temporal constraints among events and actions properties of invariance precedence periodicity repeated ...
Formal techniques for the specication of realtime systems must be capable of describing temporal constraints among events and actions properties of invariance precedence periodicity repeated ...
Formal techniques for the specification of realtime systems must be capable of describing temporal constraints among events and actions properties of invariance precedence periodicity repeated ...
Formal techniques for the specication of realtime systems must be capable of describing temporal constraints among events and actions properties of invariance precedence periodicity repeated ...
Formal techniques for the specication of realtime systems must be capable of describing temporal constraints among events and actions properties of invariance precedence periodicity repeated ...
Formal techniques for the specication of realtime systems must be capable of describing temporal constraints among events and actions properties of invariance precedence periodicity repeated ...
Formal techniques for the specication of realtime systems must be capable of describing temporal constraints among events and actions properties of invariance precedence periodicity repeated ...
Formal techniques for the specication of realtime systems must be capable of describing temporal constraints among events and actions properties of invariance precedence periodicity repeated ...
Formal techniques for the specification of realtime systems must be capable of describing temporal constraints among events and actions properties of invariance precedence periodicity repeated ...