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Networking and Group Creation | DISIT Lab of University of Florence

Networking and Group Creation

In the portal, the users may exploit a number of networking activities among them:

  • creating and participating to groups
  • creating and participating to forum discussions
  • commenting, tagging, and voting/rating content
  • inviting colleagues to join the community and accessing content
  • sending recommendations to access at content
  • sharing content and information
  • uploading your content
  • importing contacts via the open inviter


You can invite your contacts and friendships by importing them from other mailers (such as google, yahoo, etc.) and social networks. You will be the only one entitled to use these contacts to make invitation to join SMNET and/or to create a friendship with you. More than 30 different sources are available. in some case providing email in other only names. This functionality if accessible with this link, and from your on Edit Profile.
This means that, once you have the contacts/emails of your colleagues you can select those at which you would like to send the invitation, ONLY. If some of the your colleagues are already present in the Portal, the system will inform you who they are and gives you the possibility of sending them a direct internal invitation of connection.
The list of your own contacts is accessible from that link.

How to create a new group on the portal

In this Portal, any registered users may request to create a new group. The requests for the creation of a new group are analyzed by the Portal board members. The groups are typically dedicated to content distribution, and to discuss about some thematic aspect or to create a sort of content channel.
If you have the interest to create and manage a group on the portal, please send an email to smnet@disit.org . Your email should include:
  • a short title/name of the group/channel;
  • one or more group coordinators with their user name in the SMNET portal, their registration nickname;
  • purposes and/or objectives of the group/channel;
  • type of content that could be uploaded/accepted into the group/channel by the registered users to the group, if any;
  • type of users and/or communities that the group/channel could attract.
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