
Mobile Emergency ENG

Emergency Mobile Pro is a solution for the maintenance and emergency management for hospitals and/or large areas by using mobile devices.
It allows to manage maps of a hospital offering the possibility to indicate and store the location of Points of interest (POI): fire extinguishers, medical kits, ladders, emergency exits, tools, equipment. Thanks to this mapping, Mobile Emergency can help staff to reach these elements efficiently navigating within the structure. In particular, the system allows to identify personnel location by using QR code and GPS, and to find the location of emergency exits, gathering areas, and PDI, with the opportunity to reach them by using the innovative indoor/outdoor navigation.

Mobile Emergency Pro allows users to:
•       report by using a smartphone the presence of  fault/emergency problem within of the building,
•       obtain the current status of its resolution,
•       request immediate support,
•       be aware of any changes and events,
•       be guided towards the place of intervention/emergency.
Emergency/maintenance events are managed by a servers that can send direct messages to users by providing various suggestions, information, maps, directions, actions to be taken, etc.
The application handles the collection of complex content: medical computers, documents, images, videos, procedures, dividers, checklists, manuals, etc. These contents are useful as decision support and for educational purposes and are produced and downloadable from the Mobile Medicine Portal http://mobmed.axmedis.org, but also from other portals.
For more information see the manual at: http://mobmed.axmedis.org/mobempro/manual.pdf or download the software at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mobile-emergency-pro/id580488034?mt=8

Download the Mobile Emergency flyer.

see Video on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1rX-v-WLrs
P. Bellini, S. Boncinelli, F. Grossi, M. Mangini, P. Nesi, L. Sequi, "
Mobile Emergency: supporting emergency in hospital with mobile devices", Theme Issue Media Tablets & Apps (Guest editors: Pinciroli & Pagliari), JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS, http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/resprot.2293, 2013. new

mobile mergency


Mobile Emergency at MIUR -..INNOVAZIONE SELEZIONATA DA ITALIA DEGLI INNOVATORI... to get more on Mobile Emergency Mobile Emergency, an Apple App for iPhone. A tool to manage emergency in the hospital area. Developed in collaboration with the Maxi Emergency group on Mobile Medicine. The solution also implies the connection with a server to manage the emergencies and the help the people involved in getting the exit and the collecting centers according to model of interventions.


  • Increasing of the personnel efficiency  and hospitals structures, not just in relation to emergency and distributed maintenance conditions localized for internal or external environments.
  • Organizational capacity Improving thanks to the detailed overview of the operations center.
  • Reduction of maintenance costs and emergencies and incidents management.
  • Centralized Management of emergency operations/maintenance

The personnel can

  • Reache the exact location of an emergency/intervention through an indoor/outdoor navigation system.
  • Retrieve information of the status of the ongoing maintenance/emergencies.
  • Retrieve the position in the hospital and gets the simplest feasible and updated path, to get out from the emergency affected area or to reach points of interest defined within the hospital through an indoor navigation system.
  • Recover and/o has access to procedures to be followed as: ACLS, BLS, etc. and/or checklists, decision support, dosages to be applied, etc.
  • Communicate its location to the central station to get assistance and in order to make it easier to organize the rescues.
  • Retrieve information about harvesting areas defined by the operations center.
  • Know the location of the others operators present in the structure and communicates with them to request or provide medical assistance.
  • Report the occurrence of an emergency situation and/or failure, adding to the reporting additional information (location, state of the situation, pictures and videos).
  • Receive updates and directives from the operation Center by receiving messages.

The Operating Central station is capable to

  • Receive and handles emergency calls or requests for assistance from mobile phones and other devices. Emergency conditions are coded according to their severity, measured in terms of patients and/or persons involved, their autonomy, etc.
  • Track the evolution of servicing/maintenance, from the beginning  to its solution.
  • Identify  personnel who needs some assistance, it knows the position (respecting privacy) and creates support teams by providing their information and instructions via a push notifications system.
  • Manage the maps of the hospital structure and sets out the main points of interest: emergency exits, gathering areas, stairs, fire extinguishers, medical kit.

mobile emergency snapshoots


Paolo Nesi
E-mail: paolo.nesi@unifi.it
Office: +39-055-4796523, DISIT Lab: +39-055-4796567, +39-055-4796425
Fax.: +39-055-4796363 or +39-055-4796730

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