Obj1- Conducting a systematic review and assessment of the state of the art of the Resilience assessment and Management concepts, national guidelines and their implementation strategies in order ...
Smart City Concepts
Architecture of Smart City Infrastructures
Peripheral processors
Data collectors and Managers
Blog Vigilance via Natural Language Processing
Twitter vigilance
Data ...
Graph databases are taking place in many different applications: smart city, smart cloud, smart education, etc. In most cases, the applications imply the creation of ontologies and the integration ...
Le Pubbliche Amministrazioni stanno producendo migliaia di dati aperti, questi sono una leva fenomenale per produrre valore abilitando nuovi servizi. Le soluzioni che permettono di fornire dati ...
1. Conduct a systematic review and assessment of the state of the art of the resilience assessment and management concepts, national guidelines and their implementation strategies in order to ...
Data Ingestione Manager strumento per il trattamento di dati: acquisizione multisorgente (multiformato, multi protocollo, statici e real time), arricchimento, estensione, conversione, aumento, ...