DISIT lab and research group is one of the most active ICT labs of the University of Florence, metropolitan Tuscany area. DISIT successfully developed a relevant number of International and ...
DISIT lab and research group is one of the most active ICT labs of the University of Florence, metropolitan Tuscany area. DISIT successfully developed a relevant number of International and ...
The smart city ontology aims at enabling interconnection, storage and the next interrogation of data from many different sources, such as various portals of the Tuscan region (MIIC, Muoversi in ...
Temporal Logic, temporal reasoning, real time temporal logic, metric of time, executable temporal logic, verification and validation, state machines
Abstract—The paper on Comments on “An Interval ...
Temporal Logic, temporal reasoning, real time temporal logic, metric of time, executable temporal logic, verification and validation, state machines
Formal specification models provide support for ...
real time systems specification, formal methods, tilco, uml
The specification of reactive and real-time systems must be supported by formal mathematically founded methods to be satisfactory and ...