Subject Social media, semantic model and tools, suggestions, semantic computing, metadata models
Description Social media, semantic model and tools, suggestions, semantic computing, metadata models
Description Welcome to ECLAP 2012, the first international conference on Information Technologies for Performing
Arts, Media Access and Entertainment.
Information Technologies have made possible many important changes in the field of cultural heritage and
continue to provide dynamic and exciting media platforms through which new possibilities perpetually
emerge. This wave of change has had particularly significant consequences in the field of the Performing
Arts, where a vast array of possibilities for digital content fruition continues to reveal itself, constantly
opening the doors to new and as-yet-unexplored synergies. Many technological developments concerning
digital libraries, media entertainment and education are now fully developed and ready to be exported,
applied, utilised and cultivated by the public.
ECLAP is a best practice network co-funded through the ICT Policy Support Programme of the European
Commission. ECLAP’s goal is to enable digital access to Performing-Arts resources, while providing
guidelines and using metadata standards for searching and browsing. By creating a seamless and centralised
online database, ECLAP is providing access to the Performing-Arts collections and archives of its project
partners, amongst which are many of the leading institutions in the field. An ever-growing part of these
resources is becoming accessible through a common, multilingual, easy-to-use ECLAP e-Library for the
Performing Arts. The ECLAP metadata will become part of Europeana, the European multi-lingual online
collection of millions of digitized items from museums, libraries, archives and multimedia collections.
The ECLAP 2012 conference aims to function as a forum in which progress-oriented individuals and
institutions find a place to collaborate and present results. It also aims to provide an overview of the state of
the art for Performing-Arts digital collections within the framework of the following best-practice themes:
digital library tools, education and research facilities, IPR issues, cultural heritage and technologies.
The event consists of a set of workshops, sessions and panels that conform to our standard of excellence. We
host a keynote-speaker lineup consisting of some of the most salient voices in the field: Marco Marsella,
Deputy Head of Unit, eContent and Safer Internet, European Commission, Information Society and Media
Directorate-General; Heather Nathans, Professor of Theatre Studies, School of Theatre, Dance and
Performance Studies, University of Maryland, USA; Nikki Timmermans, Social Innovator, Kennisland, The
Netherlands; Sarah Whatley, Director of the Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE) at Coventry University,
An international committee selected the best proposals. 36% of the submitted contributions have been
accepted as full research papers. ECLAP 2012 features more than 40 presentations, coming from several
countries: United States, Israel, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Germany, Hungary, etc.
The conference is open to researchers, professionals, industries, institutions, technicians, practitioners in the
area of performing arts and information technologies, media-based entertainment, technology-enhanced
learning, intelligent-media systems, acoustic systems, cultural heritage.
The ECLAP 2012 conference aims to become a place where institutions, industries, the European
Commission and Europeana family projects in the areas of cultural heritage can find plenty of opportunities
for networking, debating, sharing ideas as well as best practices.
As general chair, it is a pleasure to express my gratitude to the dedicated program co-chairs, workshop cochairs,
committee members and conference support staff who have contributed to making ECLAP a success.
We hope that you will find the conference an exciting moment for exchanging research ideas and that you
will also find the time to appreciate Florence, the wonderful location of the conference.
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