DISIT Lab is publishing a selection of its tools as Open Source on:
DISIT Lab portal, this portal:
GITHUB: https://github.com/disit
Linked data, LOD, Linked Open Graph, http://log.disit.org
Visual Query Graph: a visual query tool for SPARQL query on top of LOG.DISIT.oRG, adopted as development tool, RDF store browser, and SPARQL training in several projects.
SPARQL query interface: a tool for making queries on RDF stores via SPARQL and it include a license checker for different kind of data licenses and for solving data aggregation and composition purposes
Decision Support Systems, DSS
SmartDS: a decision support system based on System Thinking, adopted in RESOLUTE H2020 project and others
ResilienceDS: a decision support systems based on FRAM modeling as exagons, developed and adopted in RESOLUTE project
ICARO: smart cloud and monitoring tools
SCE, Smart City/Cloud Engine front end interface, SCE is part of DISCES a Distributed SCE Scheduler Tools (SCE: Smart City/Cloud Engine), a DISIT tool for smart environments. It is currently in use in Km4City Project and tools, and in ICARO Cloud project and service, see CLOUD page.
SCE, Smart City/Cloud Engine backend, SCE is part of DISCES a Distributed SCE Scheduler Tools (SCE: Smart City/Cloud Engine), a DISIT tool for smart environments. It is currently in use in Km4City Project and tools, and in ICARO Cloud project and service, see CLOUD page
ICKB: Icaro Cloud Knowledge Base and Ontology, it has been used on the basis of SCE above and in ICARO Cloud project and service, see CLOUD page.
ICSM: ICARO Cloud Supervisor and Monitoring, it has been used in ICARO Cloud project and service, see CLOUD page.
ICLOS: Icaro Cloud Simulator, it has been used in ICARO Cloud project and service, see CLOUD page.
Km4City, Sii-Mobility, RESOLUTE, REPLICATE: smart city big data open source tools. Km4City is a knowledge base and a research line of DISIT lab mainly developed before the start of Sii-Mobility, RESOLUTE, REPLICATE projects. While it has been mainly improved by them. Those projects are complementar each other and almost all of them use and contribute the Km4City research line.
ServiceMap smart city knowledge base tool: smart city service tool (mainly developed for Sii-Mobility project) for accessing to km4city knowledge base, for service browsing and query, for Smart City API for mobile and for mobile development tool, http://www.disit.org/km4city
Km4City ontology model and files are accessible from http://www.disit.org/km4city improved with the support of projects as Sii-mobility, REPLICATE and RESOLUTE
SCE, Smart City/Cloud Engine front end interface, SCE is part of DISCES a Distributed SCE Scheduler Tools (SCE: Smart City/Cloud Engine), a DISIT tool for smart environments. It is currently in use in Km4City tools, and in ICARO Cloud project and service, see CLOUD page. Developed for ICARO, and then improved for Sii-Mobility, and used in many other projects
SCE, Smart City/Cloud Engine backend, SCE is part of DISCES a Distributed SCE Scheduler Tools (SCE: Smart City/Cloud Engine), a DISIT tool for smart environments. It is currently in use in Km4City tools, and in ICARO Cloud project and service, see CLOUD page. Developed for ICARO, and then improved for Sii-Mobility, and used in many other projects
DIM-RIM: Data Ingestion Manager and RDF Indexing Manager, WEB page on DISIT lab with user manuals, DIM and RIM area used in Km4City and tools, Sii-Mobility smart city national SCN project, RESOLUTE H2020
Dashboard Builder and executor: a tool for creating dashboard for smart city. See Km4City example of dashboard as reported in http://www.km4city.org/controlroomtools.html for the documentation see http://www.disit.org/6935 which is manual with examples regarding widgets. Developed for REPLICATE Project, and used in others as Sii-Mobility, RESOLUTE.
Sii-Mobility Dev Kit Mobile AppKm4city: Open Source version of the Sii-Mobility mobile and web app, open modular (the full version is operative and accessible on all stores as "Firenze dove cosa", or " Toscana dove cosa", you can install from http://www.km4city.org/app ). Developed for Sii-Mobility, adopted for the training and development meeting of the 24 janaury 2017, and as a basis for the Hackathon of 7-8 April 2017 in Florence.
Sensor Server Manager: open source for gathering data from mobile app.
Data Enrichment, data enricher: a tool for enriching RDF stores and mysql stores with URI, links to dbpedia.
Smart City Data Warehouse ETL processes collection: a collection of ETL processes to gather data (static and real time data) from city municiplality, and operators and other kinds of sources by using Penthao Kettle tool.
Smart City Recommender: a set of tool for producing recommendations to city users connected via Smart City API and apps,
Sii-Mobility project respository: main entrance to the tools developed and used into Sii-mobility project. They are listed according to their ID, the description of those IDs can be found on http://www.disit.org/6852, and on http://www.sii-mobility.org
NLP-Hadoop: NLP Gate (Natural Language Processing) support for Hadoop, is coming...
AXMEDIS framework, is coming...
If you have a particular request to access at a source code of a DISIT tool that is not presently on GitHub please contact paolo.nesi@unifi.it
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