PhD Course - From Data to Digital Twin for Smart Mobility

Submitted by admin on Thu, 07/11/2024 - 10:25

Nowadays a huge portion of the population lives in urban areas, and projections indicate that most of the cities are going to confront a growing urban population in the next few years. This undoubtedly poses new challenges, particularly in the mobility sector: public transport planning, traffic congestion, parking availability, and produced pollution, are some exemplar problems that city councils and stakeholders must address to guarantee citizens a high quality of life.

PhD Course - 3D Computer Vision

Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/07/2023 - 15:59

Being able to extract accurate measurements of a three-dimensional scene is a fundamental task in several applications spanning from cultural heritage to industrial applications, to smart city digital twin, to autonomous vehicles. For this reason, Geometrical Computer Vision is an active research field: on the one hand, the widely used classical model-based algorithms can offer accurate and controllable solutions; on the other hand, the more recently emerged deep-learning based approaches try to offer alternatives to deal with 3D applications. 

PhD grants for 3 years at DISIT lab UNIFI from 2023

Submitted by admin on Fri, 09/30/2022 - 13:41

CALL WITH ONLINE FORMS: apper..........

PhD grants for 3 years at DISIT lab UNIFI 

Submission on June/July 2023 to appear.

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Submitted by admin on Mon, 09/26/2022 - 19:10

scadenza domanda 1 marzo 2021
inizio lezioni 26 marzo 2021
lezioni in diretta on line causa Covid fino a Luglio poi in modalità duale (con opzione se in presenza o in remoto).
Innova la Tua decisione con l’informazione!

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Submitted by admin on Wed, 08/10/2022 - 13:52

Sii-Mobility (Support of Integrated Interoperability for Services to Citizens and Public Administration) is a Smart City National project in the thamtic area of Transport and Terrestrial Mobility. It is a strategic project for smart city Italy, cofounded by  MIUR (ministery of education, university and research) developed by research centers and industries with the support of public administrations for the experimental and trial aspects on the fields. Sii-Mobility started the 01-01-2016.

Corso BigData Arc: data analytic

Submitted by admin on Tue, 11/24/2020 - 11:43
Data Analytics: Examples from Snap4City Smart parking: Predictions Smart Bike Sharing User Behavior Analysis, via Wi-Fi, OD, trajectories Recognition of Used Transportation means Traffic Flow Predictions, Traffic Flow Reconstruction, from Traffic Sensors Data Covid-19 vs other data: traffic and en